
Poetry: Dusk by Darren White


by Darren White:

I wait for you
behind the chimney
on the tiled roof

inside the shack near the axe
and the drawing with my face
pinned to the wall

under the desk
while you write
safely tucked between
your feet

in the willow’s shade
amidst stubborn dragonflies
to watch sunset

grief chants inaudible songs
touches your cheek
on the last breeze
before bedtime

and you know I am there
you know

© Darren White



About the author:

Darren White is a young poet from Europe. Although English is not his native language, he loves writing his poetry in that language as it expresses best what he wants the reader to see.

He can write in several poetry forms, but feels that Free Verse suits him best. His poetry is deeply emotional and, even though very metaphorical, tells about his own life.

Darren has published a poetry collection: Intrinsic Brightness, available at Amazon and has also published work in several literary magazines.

Intrinsic Brightness by Darren White
Intrinsic Brightness by Darren White

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Created in 2014, Flashes is a privately owned literary website. We publish short stories, non-fiction, flash fiction and poetry. Our goal is to give talented writers a platform to showcase their creativity, with an emphasis on original voice, innovative style and challenging plots.
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