Give Me This Wish, I Wish Tonight by Julia
Give Me This Wish, I Wish Tonight
Cheap cardboard angel
blind eyes and dirty wings
impaled on top of the Christmas tree
oblivious to ravished wrapping paper
spangled bows and ribbons
crushed boxes and cheap toys
Under my red blanket
I am invisible
hidden from lascivious eyes
protected from predatory stares
that stab me in the back
exposing the knobs of my spine
like a broken string of pearls
Curled under my blanket
I pretend I am a Christmas angel
made of cardboard that does not bruise
safe in the sanctuary of the tree
hidden in the dark boughs
Blind me to the eyes
that rape me
protect me from dirty fingers
that probe my innocent vulnerability
leaving filthy prints on my thighs
Cowering under my red blanket
with shattered spine
and eyes that weep dirty pearls
I wish I was that angel
About the author:
Julia (aka FireMajic) is one of the pillars of WF. She is a mentor’s mentor, an advocate and source of encouragement for new and struggling poets of all stripes. Her poetry is simply a joy to read.