The Pragmatist
by Neetu Malik
The Pragmatist
He is afraid
of open spaces,
which fade
into the distance
become shining dots and glimmering lines
of nothingness
he fears mirages;
they make his head spin,
give him migraines
he claims
there is nothing worse
than nausea
with stabbing pain
so he stays where
roots might grow
under his feet
where he can build fences
and five-foot high walls
to be pain-free
and contained.
For Neetu, poetry is an expression of the rhythms of life and the human spirit, which strike different beats depending on the sounds and silences generated by experiences. She shares her writing on a few different platforms and is a frequent guest contributor to the Australia Times Poetry Magazine. She has also been published twice in The Poetic Bond Anthology, edited by Trevor Maynard, UK and published by Willowdown Books.
Neetu lives in Pennsylvania, USA.