Poetry: Blue Mind by Charlie Brice
Blue Mind
by Charlie Brice
If infinity exists it’s
in an ocean gaze—
blue mind,
the scientists call it,
where there’s nothing
but water and sky,
where horizon is
a hazy term,
where hope
is unimportant
as is yearning,
sadness, or joy—
even love disappears
into that blurry beyond
of blue mind,
of it’s okay,
of Lost is the only
site on the map.
About the author
Charlie Brice is the author of Flashcuts Out of Chaos (2016), Mnemosyne’s Hand (2018), and An Accident of Blood (2019), all from WordTech Editions. His poetry has been nominated for the Best of Net anthology and twice for a Pushcart Prize and has appeared in The Atlanta Review, The Sunlight Press, Chiron Review, Permafrost, Plainsongs, I-70 Review, Mudfish 12, Anti-Heroin Chic, and elsewhere.
Read more poetry by Charlie Brice on Flashes