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100-word Flash Fiction: In a Straight Line by Darren White

In a Straight Line

by Darren White

Instead of a love interest in girls, he strafed with a magnificent curve to the opposite goal. All his friends chased balls and girls, while he chewed on books and listened to Rachmaninoff.
“I like women,” he said indignantly whenever he was questioned about his lack of kissing and rummaging. “And they like me. We talk.” And that was that.

Until that morning, in the shower, he discovered he possessed a divining rod. Pointing to the nearest boy. Embarrassed he tried to hide it, but the stubborn twig found oil. It dawned on him this might be a better fit.

About the author

Darren White is a young poet living in Europe. Although English is not his native language, he loves writing his poetry in that language as it expresses best what he wants the reader to see.

He can write in several poetry forms, but feels that Free Verse suits him best. His poetry is deeply emotional and, even though very metaphorical, tells about his own life. And often about abuse and disability.

Darren has published a poetry collection: Intrinsic Brightness, available at Amazon and has also published work in several literary magazines.

Read more of Darren’s work on Flashes

Interview with Poet, Darren White

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Created in 2014, Flashes is a privately owned literary website. We publish short stories, non-fiction, flash fiction and poetry. Our goal is to give talented writers a platform to showcase their creativity, with an emphasis on original voice, innovative style and challenging plots.
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