Featured WorksPoetry

Poetry: Dilemma by T.L. Murphy

Poet - T.L. Murphy
Poet – T.L. Murphy


A man and a boat –
no – 
a dog and a cabbage,
and somehow a goat,
all have to cross the river. 

Oh, it’s so complicated.

And furthermore, his wife

is sleeping with his brother
who paid for the dog
and the goat for the wife
which leaves him with the cabbage.

So he’s thinking
as he gets to the river…
they don’t know I know.
I’ll eat the cabbage, sink the boat,
shoot the dog and fuck the goat.

That should do it. 
If not,
at least they’re dogless,
the godless bunch
and boatless to boot
and I will have had my cabbage 
and her goat too.

About the author

T.L. Murphy is a retired carpenter, a published poet, and an avid skier. He grew up in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, U.S.A. and emigrated to Canada in 1978. He lives in Canmore, Alberta, Canada, on the east side of the Canadian Rocky Mountains about 20 miles from the Continental Divide. He is a performance poet and has shared the stage with many prominent Canadian poets and was recently appointed Poet Laureate of Canmore, a position he will hold for one year. His poems, fiction and non-fiction have appeared in a variety of journals and anthologies and have been translated into Greek and Chinese.

Website: https://tlmurphypoetry.wordpress.com/

Other work by T.L. Murphy published to Flashes:

Interview with T.L. Murphy
The Smell of Burning Bling
Peace, Brother
Train Story
The Cook
Subtle Moves

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Created in 2014, Flashes is a privately owned literary website. We publish short stories, non-fiction, flash fiction and poetry. Our goal is to give talented writers a platform to showcase their creativity, with an emphasis on original voice, innovative style and challenging plots.
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