
Mom’s New Bag – by Cindy Adame

Mom’s New Bag

by Cindy Adame

Of all the things we need to say, 
once more we discuss your new purse;
each snapped and zipped compartment.

Inside, I freeze; like a scene from 
a horror film; caught somewhere 
between disbelief, denial and despair. 

And you, completely unaware—face 
glowing like a child—show me all
the pockets and what you keep there.

Tidy, neat, perfect order; the way you used to be.

I smile, nod, sip my coffee;
swallow dark and bitter thoughts
and the pain of knowing that your world
has become so small; and for you, 
it’s all in the bag.

About the author

Cindy Adame was born in Phoenix Arizona, but has spent most of her adult life in Bakersfield California. Recently retired, she has decided to pursue a lifelong passion to write. Being both a mother and grandmother, she has a rich source for her poetry and children’s books.

Other poems by Cindy Adame on Flashes:

Dad’s Widow
Exhuming Joy

Books by Cindy Adame on Amazon

What would you do with one hundred shoes
Abi see, Abi have, Abi do

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Created in 2014, Flashes is a privately owned literary website. We publish short stories, non-fiction, flash fiction and poetry. Our goal is to give talented writers a platform to showcase their creativity, with an emphasis on original voice, innovative style and challenging plots.
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