Poetry: Entertaining Angels by Ernest Clemons
entertaining angels
by Ernest Clemons
angels hide
between breaths
behind the veil
in life
their presence
in silence
offering hymns
of grace
faces before the
ancient of days
they sing with
tongues of flame
burning away
the empty space
that separates
creature from creator
About the poet
Ernest Clemons’ poetry is heavily influenced by the poetry of Charles Bukowski, encompassing a wide range of topics. He enjoys writing in the free form expression and exploring human themes, both tragic and otherwise. He has been writing most of his life, starting in high school. Some of his other works are in the form of song lyrics and short stories, but poetry is his first love. To date, Ernest has had two poems published in the online publication of Octoberhillmagazine.com under the titles – ‘All That Remains’ in the Fall 2019 issue and ‘Lost (In Memory of Peggy)’ in the Winter 2019 issue.
Ernest lives in the Southeast U.S. with his wife and chickens (yes, chickens. LOL). They have two (2) grown children and four (4) grandchildren with more on the way.
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