
Like A Comet: She Is Distance – by RHPeat

Photo: “Amid The Distance” By RH Peat

by RHPeat

Like A Comet: She Is Distance

So far away she is the sound of rain
from thunder clouds, or falling snow at night.
She is the sun that burns the skin; she’ll fain
her heart across the heavens to greet your plight
with simple smiles, sublime. As rain she’ll touch
your flesh with wetness, kisses held amidst
a lightning flash; her length is far too much
to span an age; as snow she’s powdered mist
that softens miles into the shadowed side
of her perfection: covered country smoothed
into the curves of endless wish; she’ll chide
the field’s forgotten stream with quilt that soothed
away its heart’s desire amid the dark
then light her wick to streak the night with spark.

© Ron Peat: 4/29/05

Shakespearean sonnet

Read more from this poet: Bed of Sky

RH PEAT, is 75, lives in California; He’s published his poetry in the USA, New Zealand, Australia, India, England, Canada, and Japan. He’s taught workshops and operated poetry readings in California. He now operates a closed poetry workshop forum for writers on the internet.

The book “Abyss Of The Moon” can be bought at Barnes & Noble and on Amazon

ISBN: HARDCOVER 978-1-4535-2930-0
ISBN: SOFTCOVER 978-1-4535-2929-4
ISBN: EBOOK 978-1-4535-2931-7

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